Children’s Reading of Visuals in Informational Picturebooks and Biographies

Sunah Chung
140 16


Visuals in picturebooks play an important role in supporting children’s reading comprehension and literacy development. This qualitative case study analyzes three American families’ shared reading practices at home by analyzing their online surveys for family literacy environments, reading logs for a month, mother interviews, and video observation of their shared reading at home. The analysis of the collected data categorizes children’s responses to visuals into three major themes: reflecting personal preferences and thoughts on visuals, interpreting visuals based on prior knowledge, and misreading visuals that interfere with understanding content. The discussion focuses on the roles of visuals in informational picturebooks and biographies and parents’ support of children’s reading comprehension using visuals. 


Visuals, Informational picturebooks, Biographies, Shared reading, Case study

Full Text:



Chung, S. (2024). Children’s reading of visuals in informational picturebooks and biographies. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(3), 409-426.



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