Review of the Concept “Self-Regulated Learning”: Defined and Used in Different Educational Contexts
Self-regulated learning, Education, Teaching, Student, A scoping reviewAbstract
Self-regulation is increasingly needed in education. This article aims to identify (what is) the core of the concept of self-regulated learning (SRL) and to analyse how SRL is used in different contexts. We studied 108 scientific articles published in scientific journals in the period 2016-2020. The keywords to search in the Scopus database were self-regulated learning, higher education and student. SRL deals with the process whereby learners actively take charge of their learning. The researchers share the view that SRL is linked to academic success and that the development from being students to self-regulating professionals does not occur spontaneously. We found that SRL has been studied in six contexts: 1) discussion on contextual change in teaching and learning, 2) the context of e-learning, 3) the development of training in various disciplines, 4) discussion on learning disabilities and anxiety, 5) discussion on personal traits, competencies and different backgrounds and 6) theoretical contexts.References
Sinkkonen, M. & Tapani, A. (2024). Review of the concept “Self-Regulated Learning”: Defined and used in different educational contexts. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(1), 130-151.
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