Scale of Visual Creativity in Art: A Study on Scale Development and Construct Validity
Primary school, Creativity, Scale of Visual Creativity in Art, Construct validityAbstract
Although visual creativity in art affects all variables of the learning and teaching process, no measurement tool has been found in the Turkish literature regarding the level of students’ visual creativity in art. In this study, a measurement tool was developed to measure visual creativity levels of primary school students in art and evidence regarding the construct validity and reliability of the scale was determined. The research was carried out with 381 primary school students in the 1st and 4th grades of primary school. 48.5% (185) of the students are female and 51.5% (196) of them are male. The scale, whose content validity was provided by expert opinions and literature review, was one-dimensional and had high construct validity based on confirmatory and exploratory factor analyzes. In addition, it was found that the Scale of Visual Creativity in Art had correlation with the perceived visual creativity scale and the scale developed had high criterion validity. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis results showed that the scale is structurally one-dimensional and had a high validity. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the one-dimensional form of the scale is .95. In addition, results of item-total correlations of the scale were tested and discussed.References
Akca, F. & Kavak, G. (2021). Scale of Visual Creativity in Art: A study on scale development and construct validity. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 3(3), 439-456.
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