Opinions of Education Faculty Students About Refugees in Turkey
Refugee, Young people, Case studyAbstract
Migration has been a constant in human history, presenting various economic, social, and cultural challenges. The integration of immigrants into society, particularly in terms of language and education, plays a crucial role in fostering social harmony. While Turkey has made progress in its integration policies, challenges persist, including socio-cultural and economic disparities among refugees. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of education faculty students on the refugee situation in Turkey, revealing insights into foreign policy, sustainability, territorial integrity, and safety concerns. The study was conducted using the qualitative research design of a case study method. 55 teacher candidates participated voluntarily, and their views on refugees living in Turkey were obtained through focus group interviews. Participants emphasized the need for stable foreign policies and highlighted language education as essential for successful integration. They expressed apprehensions about the potential security risks associated with refugees and advocated for greater societal awareness and proactive measures. Ultimately, addressing the refugee issue requires both policy adjustments and heightened societal sensitivity.References
Namli Altintas, I., Yuksel, O., & Uzer, C. (2024). Opinions of education faculty students about refugees in Turkey. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(3), 397-408. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonses.689
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