Efficacy of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills in Addressing Emotional Dysregulation Among Adolescents: A Systematic Literature Review
Dialectical behavioral therapy, Emotional Dysregulation, Mood disorders in adolescents, Emotion regulation, DBT skillsdysregulation Mood disorders in adolescents, DBT skillsAbstract
Adolescence is marked by significant emotional challenges, with mood disorders becoming increasingly prevalent, necessitating effective interventions. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills have emerged as promising tools for addressing emotional dysregulation in adolescents. This systematic literature review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of DBT skills in managing emotional dysregulation and reducing mood disorder symptoms among adolescents. Through meticulous analysis of existing research, this review highlights the substantial impact of DBT interventions in decreasing the frequency and intensity of maladaptive behaviors associated with emotional dysregulation. Drawing from studies involving 908 adolescents aged 12 to 18, compelling evidence suggests notable improvements in mood and related symptoms following participation in DBT skills programs. These findings underscore the potential of DBT interventions as valuable resources in supporting adolescents through their emotional challenges. Furthermore, this review emphasizes the urgent need to integrate DBT approaches into mental health interventions tailored to the unique needs of this vulnerable population. Overall, this review contributes to the growing body of literature on adolescent mental health, providing insights into the efficacy of DBT skills in promoting emotional regulation and enhancing overall well-being during this critical developmental phase.References
Mossini, M. (2024). Efficacy of dialectical behavioral therapy skills in addressing emotional dysregulation among adolescents: A systematic literature review. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(3), 439-451. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonses.684
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