Ecopedagogy to Foster Global Perspectives
Social studies, Ecopedagogy, Global perspectives, Global citizenshipAbstract
Global perspectives instruction often focuses on current news events, neglecting deeper human connections between local and global issues. This paper proposes ecopedagogy as a solution. Ecopedagogy is a critical approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of people and the environment. By integrating ecopedagogy into interdisciplinary units, teachers can engage students in meaningful activities that develop critical thinking, cultural competence, and a sense of responsibility for the planet. Examples of ecopedagogical strategies include collaborative projects addressing local environmental challenges, journal prompts reflecting on personal connections to nature, and outdoor learning experiences. By fostering social-environmental awareness, ecopedagogy empowers students to become stewards of the earth and active agents of change who contribute to a more sustainable future. Exploring environmental issues through a global lens exposes students to diverse cultural perspectives and worldviews. This exposure fosters respect for environmental and social values, laying the foundation for meaningful cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration.References
Monem, R. (2024). Ecopedagogy to foster global perspectives. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(2), 188-199.
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