A Comparative Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Three Types of Instructional Methods on Language Success
Instructional methods, Collaborative learning, Augmented reality, Learning cycle models, Meta-analysisAbstract
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of collaborative learning, augmented reality, and learning cycle models on students’ language success. This study employed meta-analysis methodologies to examine data derived from 54 studies with a sample size of 2,837 participants in Turkey. The data sources were obtained from online database searches on national and international databases from 2008 to 2022, published in Turkey. Through the random effects model, data analysis was done by Stata software to determine the overall effect size and the heterogeneity of the studies. The findings showed that all instructional methods were positively effective, including collaborative learning (g= 0.895) and augmented reality (g= 0.856), which had a high effect, while the overall effect of learning cycle models (1.485) had an excellent effect on the language success of students. Additionally, in the moderator analysis, there were no significant differences according to the type of publication, target class, sample sizes, or practice time. The investigators found that the significant positive effects were present for all three contemporary instructional methods. Therefore, these findings highlight that the use of the three examined instructional methods has the potential to improve student language achievement, and suggest that teachers should strongly consider implementing collaborative, augmented reality, and learning cycle activities within their language classrooms.References
Alnajjar, A.A. & Ibrahim, M. (2024). A comparative meta-analysis on the effectiveness of three types of instructional methods on language success. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(2), 275-300. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonses.665
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