An Integrative Approach to STEM Workforce Preparation in a Biomedical Science Course [Quality Improvement]
Broadening participation, Workforce preparation, Individual development planning, Biomedical scienceAbstract
Successful retention of STEM majors that then successfully transition into the U.S. STEM workforce is a major challenge for institutions of higher education. The present work represents a quality improvement study of a custom-designed professional development course for undergraduate students characterized by an innovative integration of workforce preparation activities into a STEM content knowledge course. The QI study investigated the student-perceived impact of participation in goal setting and skill assessment utilizing an individual development plan and whether participation in the custom-designed training course increased student proficiency in STEM workforce-relevant skills. Program evaluation data was used to address the professional development needs of undergraduate STEM students, who are members of underrepresented groups in biomedical science. Evaluation data was used to design the professional development course to target and customize structures to support student success planning and goal attainment. Analysis of reported outcomes indicates that most students benefited from participation in the course and experienced a positive impact on their proficiency in workforce relevant skills and goal setting. This integrated approach to workforce preparation in STEM may address some of the persistence and retention challenges that threaten the size and diversity of the future STEM workforce within the U.S.References
McSween, V.K. (2024). An integrative approach to STEM workforce preparation in a biomedical science course [quality improvement]. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(2), 174-187.
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