Development of Undergraduate Student's Criticality in Social Sciences in Higher Education: A Comparative Study with Socio-Material Perspective
Criticality, Critical thinking, Higher education, Affective criticality, Socio-materialityAbstract
In the field of higher education, there are two dominant strands of interpretation of criticality, either as a decontextualized skill of logical reasoning, or a sense of action within larger contexts more than mere cognition. This research offers a reclaiming and reimagining of criticality in universities as an affective process, highlighting the entanglement of social, discursive and material perspectives. This research takes a comparative lens to investigate undergraduate students’ perceptions of criticality and institutional cultivation of it in a Sociology undergraduate degree in China and the UK, adopting a qualitative interview method. Differences were found between cultures regarding the level of engagement with a range of criticality-embedded practices, including field work, critical inquiry in class, group work, etc. Through the development of criticality in various activities, students’ feelings towards it shifted with contexts. While placed within physical and discursive universities that convey a sense of professionalism, students in the study acknowledged the importance of criticality and proactively demonstrated it. However, the feeling towards showcasing criticality outside campus was two-fold. Whereas criticality can be associated with negativity in social interactions, its value is appreciated as it enabled students to reconstruct their identities into a more rational, tolerant and caring one.References
Wang, Y. (2024). Development of undergraduate student's criticality in social sciences in higher education: A comparative study with socio-material perspective. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 6(1), 85-102.
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