The Effect of Project-Based Learning in Visual Arts Lesson on Lesson Outcomes and Attitudes
Project-based learning, Visual arts, Outcomes, AttitudesAbstract
Project-based learning in visual arts lesson is an effective method to develop students' creativity, self-confidence and learning skills. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of project-based learning method applied in 7th grade visual arts lesson on lesson outcomes and attitudes compared to traditional teaching. The study was conducted with a pretest-posttest control group experimental model. The experimental process lasted 5 weeks for the experimental and control groups. At the beginning of the experimental procedures of the study, the 7th grade visual arts lesson achievement test and attitude scale towards visual arts lesson were applied to the experimental and control groups simultaneously as pre-test. In the experimental group, the visual arts lesson was taught with the project-based learning method, while in the control group it was taught with the traditional teaching method. The 7th grade visual arts lesson achievement test and attitude scale towards visual arts lesson were used to collect research data. According to the research findings, when the post-test results between the group in which the project-based learning method was applied and the group in which the traditional method was applied were examined, significant differences were found in favor of the experimental group in which the project-based learning method was applied. The project-based learning method had a positive and high level effect on the visual arts lesson achievements and attitudes of 7th grade middle school students.References
Ozkan, Z. C., (2023). The effect of project-based learning in visual arts lesson on lesson outcomes and attitudes. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 5(2), 367-380.
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