Assumptions for Developing the Critical Sense through the Teaching and Learning Process
Environmental education, Critical sense, Teaching and learning, Scientific literacyAbstract
The teaching and learning process enables reflections on social and environmental contexts, among others, which directly interferes and in our lives and in the formation of critical sense, contributing to the change in behavior and attitudes in relation to the various relationships in the environment we inhabit. It is classified as a bibliographic study that was carried out from the teaching and learning process as an instrument in the teaching process in which it could point out elements for the identification and analysis of the dichotomy between (a) criticality and criticality, the transition from common sense to critical thinking and the elucidation of critical sense in the educational process. This study certifies the importance of interaction and inter-relationship of learning and the role of the teacher, for the manifestation of students' critical thinking, in which educators have a strategic and decisive role in school daily life, qualifying students for a critical position in the face of the numerous problems that afflict society today, with the horizon of transforming social habits and practices and forming a citizenship that mobilizes them to the issue of preservation and care for others in its most comprehensive meaning.References
Marques, R., & Xavier, C. R. (2021). Assumptions for developing the critical sense through the teaching and learning process. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 3(1), 68-81.
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