Coping with A Year of Online Education in Lock-Down: Impact of Prolonged COVID-19 Stressors On Problematic Drinking in College Students
COVID-19, Coping, Alcohol, College studentsAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented stressors for college students. Early reports found the immediate onset of these stressors led to increased problematic drinking and psychological distress in university students. However, it has remained unclear what lasting effects the pandemic will have on drinking and coping mechanisms. The current study examined the impact of prolonged COVID-19 stressors on the drinking behavior of college students a year into the pandemic. College students (N = 377) completed an online survey in the spring of 2021 that assessed their drinking during the pandemic, coping styles, and level of stress on 8 COVID-19 specific stressors developed by the research team. Our results showed a large percentage of college students continued to report problematic and increased drinking a year into the pandemic. Stress concerning online education was the strongest predictor of increased drinking, problematic drinking, and using substances to cope. These results suggest that students may be sensitive to abrupt changes in learning modality, and many may turn to negative coping mechanisms. This is an important consideration for educators when making changes to their instructional plans and suggests helping students regain an internal locus of control concerning their academics could be beneficial.References
Barton, E. A. Cital, M. Shortle, L., & Goldey, K. L. (2023). Coping with a year of online education in lock-down: Impact of prolonged COVID-19 stressors on problematic drinking in college students. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 5(2), 417-434.
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