Enhancing Scientific Literacy of Lower Secondary Students through Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Framework





Pedagogical knowledge, Science education, Scientific literacy, TPACK, Technology education


All students today attach a great deal of importance to having access to a technologically-enhanced education. As a result, teachers are pressured to integrate their teaching, material, and technological expertise into their classes. The TPACK framework was utilized to teach science in lower secondary schools as part of this action research. For this investigation, the most significant individuals were 19-year-old students from on school. As study methods, a test of scientific literacy, observations of behavior patterns, and eight TPAC lesson plans were utilized. During the first academic year of 2022, the spiraling action plan was implemented twice. Results indicated that TPACK played a significant role in increasing students' scientific literacy. The first cycle of instruction, the scientific literacy levels of students were high, and after the second cycle, they were very high. There is potential for TPACK implementation in contemporary schools, however, teachers will need to provide instructional materials that are appropriate for student learning and apply instructional approaches that are adapted to the individual academic pursuits of their students

Author Biography

Khuanshanok Pratumsala, Mahasarakham University

Khuanshanok Pratumsala https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0945-4925Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham Province, 44150ThailandContact e-mail: 64010281002@msu.ac.th


Pratumsala, K. & Nuangchalerm, P. (2023). Enhancing scientific literacy of lower secondary students through Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Framework. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 5(2), 263-274. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonses.499





