Self-Efficacy for Research: Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Research Self-Efficacy Scale (C-RSES)
Research self-efficacy, Scale development, Graduate students, AcademicsAbstract
This study aimed to develop and validate a comprehensive research self-efficacy scale (C-RSES) to measure the research self-efficacy of both graduate students and academics in any discipline. Data were gathered nationwide in Turkey from 1301 researchers including graduate students and academics. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 28-item C-RSES with six factors, namely Literature Review and Research Problem, Discussion, Data Analysis, Research Plan, Research Ethics, and Conceptual/Theoretical Framework. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the proposed factor structure. Factorial invariance of the C-RSES across males and females was shown. Cronbach’s alpha reliabilities for the subscales ranged from .85 to .94, which indicates high internal consistency for the scores obtained from the scale. Additionally, using multivariate analysis of variance, researchers with and without a Ph.D. were compared regarding their research self-efficacy aspects. The findings of the study provided evidence for the validity and reliability of the C-RSES. It is suggested that C-RSES is promising to measure the research self-efficacy of graduate students and academics.References
Tas, Y., Demiral-Uzan, M., & Uzan, E. (2023). Self-efficacy for research: Development and validation of a Comprehensive Research Self-Efficacy Scale (C-RSES). International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 5(2), 275-294.
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