Promoting Learner Autonomy through Tandem Learning in a Japanese ESL Context
Autonomous learning, Tandem learning, Foreign language learningAbstract
Computer-mediated form of language learning provides the opportunity to engage in meaningful and authentic interaction in the target language. Through interaction and collaboration, learners are said to develop a sense of autonomy (Little, 2001). Studies from the literature show that Japanese learners do not lack the capacity for self-directed learning but rather, the language learning environment that has been created by most Japanese institutions has implicitly discouraged learners from becoming autonomous learners (Holden & Usuki, 1999; MEXT, 2013). This study seeks to explore how tandem learning could foster an autonomous learning environment in an EFL classroom in Japan. It will describe learners’ perception of the Facebook Project, and whether it has helped this group of learners assume more responsibility for the learning process. Findings show that the project enhanced intrinsic motivation, promoted learner reflection, and students took the initiative to reciprocate with their tandem partners’ language needs. Implications of the study suggest that learners need to be involved in the design of learning environments and adequate levels of technological proficiency are necessary to prepare learners for more self-directed learning.References
Cruz, J. (2023). Promoting learner autonomy through tandem learning in a Japanese ESL context. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 5(1), 34-50.
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