Self-Regulation Scale for Science: A Validity and Reliability Study
Self-regulation, Science education, SPSS, LISREL, Validity, ReliabilityAbstract
Self-regulation is important at every stage of the education process and must be measured accurately in order to know at what students’ levels are. The aim of this study is to develop a scale that is able to validly and reliably determine the self-regulation levels of secondary school students regarding science. The study uses the survey design, a quantitative research method. The sample of the research consists of 500 students enrolled in three secondary schools in Kayseri Province’s Melikgazi district during 2018 spring semester. While preparing the scale, which was developed based on social cognitive theory, a literature review was conducted, expert opinions were sought, and a pilot study was conducted to test the suitability of the items. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) were performed to ensure the construct validity. As a result of the EFA, a structure consisting of 26 questions was obtained whose three factors explain 48% of the variance. This structure was confirmed through CFA, which was conducted on the data obtained from a sample different than the one used in the EFA. Cronbach’s alpha of reliability for the scale was calculated as .940. As a result, a valid and reliable scale for science education based on social cognitive theory and Zimmerman’s self-regulation model was obtained that is simple enough that middle school student can understand it.References
Karaca, M., & Bektaş, O. (2022). Self-regulation scale for science: A validity and reliability study. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 4(2), 236-256.
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