Spoken and Written Communication Needs of Aviation Management Trainees
English for specific purposes, Aviation English, Aviation management, Curriculum design, Needs analysisAbstract
The need to investigate the communication skills of specific participants usually arises upon demand from the stakeholders, including the employers, passengers, clients and others. The common reasons for stakeholders to consult course developers or language practitioners regarding developing a specific purpose course include poor language proficiency and lack of professional communication skills amongst personnel whose jobs require efficient communication. The needs analysis (NA) method is often used to explore the necessary communication skills at the workplace, including business, medical and aviation. In aviation, the aviation English program content is based on the stakeholders’ communication requirements. Having said that, there are two main objectives of this study. Firstly, this study aims to investigate the importance of English as a medium for communication amongst AVM personnel serving in local and foreign-based companies within Malaysia. Secondly, it aims to determine the spoken and written communication activities that aviation management personnel are frequently involved in the aviation industry. Based on the findings, the NA revealed that the English language is vital in developing professional communication skills among AVM trainees as they require English proficiency for speaking and writing activities.References
Satvindar Singh, R. K., Cheong, C. Y. M., & Rahman, N. A. A. (2021). Spoken and written communication needs of aviation management trainees. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 3(3), 535-547. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonses.235
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