Socio-economic Status and Attention Ability as Predictors of Early Geometry Skills of 60-72-Month-Old Children




Attention ability, Early geometry skill, Socio-economic status, 60-72 months old children, Preschool education


The aims of this study are investigating the attention ability and geometry skills of 60-72-month-old children according to the socio-economic status and determining whether the attention ability significantly predicts the geometry skill when the socio-economic status is controlled. The accessible population of the research in the relational screening model consisted of 60-72-month-old children studying in Afyonkarahisar kindergartens and nursery classes in the 2018-2019 academic year. The sample of the study was randomly selected 310 children among 60-72-month-old children attending high, medium and low socio-economic status schools, volunteering to participate in the study. The "General Information Form" was used to collect data on children and their families in the study while the " Attention Gathering Skills Test for Five-year Old Children FTF-K" developed by Raatz and Möhling in 1971 and adapted by Gözüm (2017) to determine the attention status of children, and the "Early Geometry Skill Test” developed by Sezer (2015) to measure children's geometry skills were used. Chi-Square, One-Way ANOVA and Hierarchical Regression tests were used to analyze the data obtained from the research. In the light of the findings, it was found out that children's attention skills and early geometry skills differed according to socio-economic status and when the socio-economic status was controlled, attention ability was a positive and significant predictor of early geometry skills of 60-72-month-old children.

Author Biography

Ozgun Uyanık Aktulun, Afyon Kocatepe University

Early Childhood Department


Uyanik Aktulun, O. & Keser, M. (2021). Socio-economic status and attention ability as predictors of early geometry skills of 60-72-month-old children. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 3(3), 603-617.





