Science Mapping Research on Citizenship Education: A Bibliometric Review
Citizenship education, Social studies, Civic education, Science mapping, Bibliometric analysisAbstract
The main objective of this study is to evaluate Citizenship Education (CE) literature through systematic bibliometric analysis. The science mapping method was conducted to analyze data. Because CE is also studied with the names of social studies and civic education in the literature, articles related to these topics were included in the study. 4029 articles and proceeding papers that were obtained from the WoS database were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was revealed that number of publications has been dramatically increased in recent years. Moreover, Theory and Research in Social Education Journal was found as the most relevant source in terms of number of publications about CE. Furthermore, the study conducted by Westheimer and Kahne in 2004 was determined as the most influential source that has the most citations per year in the field. Finally, it was found that USA and UK are the most productive, most cited, and most collaborative countries in terms of scientific publications.References
Bozkurt, M., Eryilmaz, O., & Boyraz, C. (2021). Science mapping research on citizenship education: A bibliometric review. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 3(4), 670-695.
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