Effective Leadership Types in Change Management in Sports Organizations
Leadership, Sports, Change managementAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the types of effective leadership in change management in sports organizations. Qualitative research method was used in the study. The study design chosen in accordance with the purpose of the study is the nested case study model, which is one of the case study designs used to analyze and analyze one or more specific events in depth. The data of the study were collected by individual interview. The study group of the research consists of a total of 7 adult participants, employees of the sports federation. In-depth individual interviews were carried out with these participants and the data obtained were analyzed by content analysis method. When the findings of the study were examined, it was seen that five dimensions came to the fore: flexible, authoritative, insightful, situational, and meritocracy. The leadership type that emerged as a result of the study was seen to be "leadership type that includes flexible, authoritarian and understanding dimensions". It has emerged that there are two leadership types that contain these dimensions. These are autocratic and democratic leadership types. In other words, the participants who defended being authoritarian from autocratic leadership style emphasized the understanding and flexible features of democratic leadership type. When the answers given by the participants are examined in its entirety, it has been understood that the leadership types used during the change in sports federations are a leadership type that includes many leadership types rather than a single leadership type. Leadership type researchers have revealed many characteristics of leaders in their research on leaders. These characteristics are stated as behaviorist, situational, democratic, autocratic and liberal theories. In the study, when the codes made while determining the leadership type used in sports organizations were combined, it was seen that many leadership type theories emerged from the leadership type theories. Especially democratic and autocratic leadership institutions came to the fore. However, when looked at as a whole, it was seen that many features came to the fore. In the light of these findings, it was discovered that a leadership practice that differs according to the situation rather than a standard leadership type is required. This necessity brings success while experiencing change. As a result, these views of the participants brought the situational leadership type to the fore. According to the situational leadership theory, it is necessary to examine each situation according to its internal subjectivity. Afterwards, the participants argued that after revealing the subjectivity of the situation, it is necessary to apply the most appropriate leadership type.References
Sahin, B. (2022). Effective leadership types in change management in sports organizations. Internationa1l Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 4(4), 562-580. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijonses.485
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